Dr. Tyler Christopherson and our team congratulate you on your pregnancy! We are here to help you maintain your oral health during this exciting period of your life. Being pregnant can introduce new risks to your oral health, but we offer the following tips to help you protect your smile:
– Practice effective oral hygiene every day. Healthy teeth can be maintained if you are flossing every day, brushing twice a day and rinsing with mouthwash to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
– Balance your diet. Your teeth and gums are directly influenced by your diet, and we encourage you to consume a lot fruits and vegetables with minimal snacking. If you need to snack to prevent morning sickness, Dr. Tyler Christopherson is happy to help you find alternative means to protect your smile.
– Visit our office for dental checkups. Every six months, it’s important to see the dentist even if you aren’t pregnant, but because pregnancy can easily lead to gum disease, these visits are especially important. Pregnant women often have more plaque and tartar buildup because of higher levels of oral bacteria, but dental cleanings can remove these substances.
– Prevent harm from oral acid. Morning sickness can coat your teeth in stomach acid and lead to tooth enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity and cavities. Rinsing your mouth with a mixture of baking soda and water helps to protect your teeth from acid.
Contact Christopherson Family Dentistry at 715-952-5920 today if you would like to with our dentist about pregnancy and oral health in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
2957 Church St.,
Stevens Point, WI 54481
MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm
SAT - SUNClosed
2957 Church St.,
Stevens Point, WI, 54481
Phone: (715) 344-9684