Have you fallen victim to gum disease? Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a serious oral health ailment that tends to be quite common and can exist for long periods of time before a patient even knows they suffer from it. When checking for potential signs of gum disease, consider the following:
– Examine your smile to check for any visible irregularities including loose or wobbly teeth.
– Look for signs of halitosis that continually returns or fails to go away at all.
– Look for symptoms and signs that bleeding occurs often, including when eating meals or cleaning your teeth.
– Check to see if any medications you are taking list dry mouth as a side effect, which is a forerunner to gum disease.
– Avoid vices that continually damage your mouth and expose you to a higher risk of gum disease, including smoking and chewing tobacco.
– Look for signs that your gums may be pulling back from your teeth, as gum disease often makes your teeth look longer than normal, and may even be exposing a tooth’s roots.
– Look for sensitive gums that appear irregular and damaged, displaying signs of swelling, bleeding, tenderness, and inflammation.
If you would like to have your smile inspected for gum disease by our team at Christopherson Family Dentistry, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Tyler Christopherson and our team at our dental office in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. To schedule a visit, please call us at 715-952-5920. We look forward to seeing you soon!
2957 Church St.,
Stevens Point, WI 54481
MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm
SAT - SUNClosed
2957 Church St.,
Stevens Point, WI, 54481
Phone: (715) 344-9684