Do you feel embarrassed because of a missing tooth? If so, you are not alone. If you have a lost tooth, in many cases, you might be experiencing difficulty in talking or chewing. That is why having a tooth restoration is important. Here at Christopherson Family Dentistry in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Dr. Cristopherson and the team are happy to offer dental bridges as an ideal way to restore a missing tooth.
A dental bridge, also known as a fixed partial denture, can replace missing teeth by placing the bridge over the gap between the teeth, which will close the gap and restore your smile. Dental bridges are different than dentures because while dentures can be taken out each night, a dental bridge can only be taken off by a dentist. So, keeping your teeth and bridge brushed regularly is essential to maintaining your oral health care.
If you have any questions about your oral health care or think a dental bridge might be ideal for you, please call us today at 715-952-5920 to set up an appointment. Restoring your oral health is important to keep your smile healthy for years to come. So, call us today! Our team stands ready to assist your smile and help you get a smile you can feel proud to show off.
2957 Church St.,
Stevens Point, WI 54481
MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm
SAT - SUNClosed
2957 Church St.,
Stevens Point, WI, 54481
Phone: (715) 344-9684