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Christopherson Family Dentistry


Tyler Christopherson, DDS - Welcome to Our Practice

Welcome to Christopherson Family Dentistry, your dentist in Stevens Point and Plover, Wisconsin, and surrounding areas! We are dedicated to helping you get your smile and your oral health back on track, and offer a wide range of general dentistry, preventive, and restorative dental treatments to meet your needs. We provide our services for patients of all ages, and strive to maintain a positive atmosphere in which you and your family can feel comfortable. Call or visit us today to learn more and make your appointment with Dr. Tyler Christopherson. We look forward to becoming your dental home!





Cleanings are an important part of your dental care plan. They are essential in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. We recommend that you visit our dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning. Cleanings are also done after other dental treatments, like teeth whitening, to remove any residual bleach, which can corrode your enamel or cause sensitivity. Before gum therapy to get rid of inflamed gum tissue, you may need a cleaning to remove buildup from the surface of your teeth that the toothbrush cannot reach. WHAT IS PLAQUE? Plaque is a sticky, colorless film that builds up on the teeth. It is made up of bacteria and saliva and sticks to your teeth when you eat foods that contain sugar or starch. If you do not brush or floss your teeth daily to remove plaque, it can turn into a hard substance called tartar. Tartar cannot be removed by brushing alone and can only be removed with a professional cleaning. Plaque buildup and tartar can lead to gum disease, cavities, and other health problems. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. WHAT IS A DENTAL CLEANING? A dental cleaning is a procedure that is done to thoroughly clean the teeth and remove residual debris and plaque buildup from the teeth and around the gums. The dental hygienist will use an ultrasonic scaler to break up any hard deposits on your teeth and polish them afterward with a gritty toothpaste-like paste and a high-powered brush. This will remove stains from coffee, tea, or smoking, as well as surface stains from things like wine or berries. A cleaning typically takes between 30 minutes and an hour. Some patients need additional treatments like root planing and scaling to treat gum disease. After a deep cleaning, your mouth will feel refreshed and clean due to the polishing process. You may also have fewer instances of tooth pain or discomfort in the days after your appointment. Some patients may experience some mild sensitivity to hot or cold foods for a few days after their treatment, but this will go away on its own. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET A CLEANING? Dental prophylaxis, or professional teeth cleanings, are required every six months to prevent periodontal disease. During your six-month checkup, Dr. Christopherson will thoroughly clean your teeth to remove any plaque and tartar buildup that has accumulated above and below the gum line. Some patients also require deep cleanings or scaling and root planing to remove deeper bacteria from below the gum line. Periodontal disease is a serious oral health concern that can lead to tooth loss if not treated early. Gum disease attacks the soft tissues of the mouth and the bones that support your teeth and eventually leads to tooth loss when left untreated. Routine prophylaxis appointments and cleanings are the most effective way to keep your smile healthy and prevent gum disease. To find out more about the dental services we offer at Christopherson Family Dentistry, call (715) 344-9684 or schedule a consultation online. You can also visit Dentist in Stevens Point, WI [] at 2901 Church St, Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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When tooth loss occurs, patients have several options for replacement, including dental implants, bridges, or dentures. A denture is a removable dental appliance used as a replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Dentures can be full or partial and made from different materials. Our dentist can help you choose the type that best fits your needs and lifestyle.  FULL DENTURES Full dentures are used to replace a full arch of missing teeth, either upper or lower. They are often the best option for patients who do not have enough bone density to support a bridge or implant. Removable full dentures are held in place by natural suction or denture adhesives. IMMEDIATE DENTURES Immediate dentures are made in advance and placed in the mouth right after the removal of any remaining teeth. This type of denture is often used to allow patients to maintain their oral functions until their permanent restorations are placed and to prevent facial muscles from sagging. Immediate dentures help patients until their gums heal completely. However, some patients may find immediate dentures hard to get used to compared to more traditional types of dentures. PARTIAL DENTURES Also called “partials” or “removable bridges,” partial dentures are a great option for patients who are missing only a few teeth. A partial denture is made up of prosthetic teeth and a gum-colored base and is held in place by clasps attached to the surrounding natural teeth. Unlike full dentures, partial dentures are often used in conjunction with crowns and bridgework. The dentist may recommend this treatment option to patients who want a more stable alternative to removable partials. BENEFITS OF CHOOSING DENTURES * Dentures mimic the appearance of both the teeth and surrounding gum tissues, thereby restoring the aesthetics of the entire mouth. * The materials we use to make dentures are very durable and strong, making your prostheses stay as good as new for a very long time. * They are quite long-lasting. * Dentures make your face look fuller by restoring the shape of your cheeks and chin. * Dentures restore your ability to bite and chew food and speak properly. To find out more about the dental services we offer at Christopherson Family Dentistry, call (715) 344-9684 or schedule a consultation online. You can also visit Dentist in Stevens Point, WI [] at 2901 Church St, Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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A dental filling is used to “fill in” or restore a part of a tooth that has been affected by decay or has been otherwise damaged or cracked. Fillings restore the function, integrity, and appearance of a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury. Fillings can also be used to repair cracked or broken teeth or teeth that have been worn down from excessive grinding. HOW IS A FILLING PLACED? The dentist first numbs the area where the filling is needed by injecting a local anesthetic. Once the area is numbed, the dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and shape it so that a new filling will fit properly. Then, the filling will be cemented into place, shaped as required, and hardened to finalize its contour. Most patients will require regular checkups and routine X-rays in order to keep an eye on their fillings and make sure that they are in good condition. If the filling falls out or the X-ray shows that it has decay underneath it, it may need to be removed and replaced with a different material, such as silver amalgam or composite resin. SILVER FILLINGS A silver filling is a common restorative treatment that restores a tooth after it has been affected by decay or damage. Silver fillings can last for years with proper oral care and routine visits to the dentist. The dentist will remove the tooth decay and clean the tooth before placing the silver amalgam material to restore the tooth’s structure. With proper care, a silver filling should last for many years before it needs to be replaced. Although they are a common dental treatment, silver fillings do have some drawbacks. The material may wear down over time resulting in cavities around the filling. In addition, the silver color can stand out against natural tooth enamel and can make the smile look unattractive. We also offer patients composite resin or porcelain fillings that can be matched to the color of their natural teeth for a more natural appearance. COMPOSITE FILLINGS A composite filling is made of a mixture of glass and plastic compounds and is designed to match the color of a patient’s natural teeth. The decayed portion of the tooth is first removed, and the tooth is filled. In the past, amalgam was frequently used for fillings, but today, many patients prefer composite resin. This material more closely matches the color of the teeth, making for a more attractive smile. In addition, this material is also less sensitive to temperature change, making it a more comfortable treatment option. And unlike silver fillings, composite is mercury free! Patients concerned about the health of their smile often choose composite fillings over metal ones. HOW ARE AMALGAM FILLINGS REPLACED? When patients want to replace an old amalgam filling with a composite one, the dentist will first remove the old amalgam filling. After doing so, we will then prepare the remaining tooth for the composite material. This involves etching the surface to roughen it up slightly so that the bonding material can form a better seal with the tooth. Then, the composite material is applied in layers and a curing light is used to harden each layer. Once all of the layers have been placed, and the material is hardened, the filling will be shaped and polished so that the tooth looks completely natural. To find out more about the dental services we offer at Christopherson Family Dentistry, call (715) 344-9684 or schedule a consultation online. You can also visit Dentist in Stevens Point, WI [] at 2901 Church St, Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic that fills the gap created by a missing tooth. It is a natural-looking replacement that is permanently bonded to the adjacent teeth. Bridges can also be supported by dental implants. The restoration is typically made from porcelain, gold, alloys, or a combination of materials. In most cases, a mixture of metal and porcelain is used. The replacement teeth are fused to metal bands to create a strong bridge structure and replace the missing teeth. Metal-free options are also available for patients who prefer them. Dental bridges can last for many years with proper care. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits to protect the surrounding teeth and gums, as decay can still form under a bridge without proper cleaning. It is also important to visit the dentist regularly so that potential problems are addressed as soon as possible. TYPES OF BRIDGES Traditional Bridges Traditional bridges use crowns for support. The dental crowns on either side of the bridge are bonded to healthy teeth. A traditional bridge functions like natural teeth and is a long-lasting solution. This type of bridge is not removable and can be cleaned easily at home. It is also very durable and can last many years with proper care. However, while a traditional bridge is more stable than dentures, it can still shift slightly in your mouth, creating sore spots. Our dentist may recommend using a special retainer to prevent the bridge from moving or causing discomfort. Cantilever Bridges Cantilever bridges are similar to traditional bridges but they are only supported by one healthy tooth on one side. This restoration can be used when there is only one healthy and strong adjacent tooth. Cantilever bridges cannot be removed and are permanently attached or cemented in place. While they are stable in the mouth, this type of bridge is not recommended for patients who are prone to grinding their teeth because the restoration may be damaged. Maryland Bridges Maryland-bonded bridges use metal wings for support. Some patients prefer this option because it does not alter the structure of the adjacent teeth. However, this bridge is not ideal for all patients since some may be allergic to the metal alloy the wings are made from. Maryland dental bridges are not removable and they are easy to clean and maintain but can be less durable than other bridge types. ADVANTAGES OF BRIDGES * Compared to dentures, bridges are more stable as they are cemented in place. * They function exactly as natural teeth do – you can eat and speak normally without worrying about your teeth coming out. * Bridges are a permanent restoration and aren’t removable like dentures are. * Their appearance can be customized to perfectly match that of your existing natural teeth. * They are quite durable and long-lasting. To find out more about the dental services we offer at Christopherson Family Dentistry, call (715) 344-9684 or schedule a consultation online. You can also visit Dentist in Stevens Point, WI [] at 2901 Church St, Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments help to prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. Typically, fluoride treatments are recommended for children after their permanent teeth have erupted in order to strengthen the enamel. Topical fluoride treatments are administered by applying the fluoride directly to the surface of the teeth using foam trays or gels. IMPORTANCE OF FLUORIDE IN CAVITY PREVENTION Fluoride treatments work to strengthen the tooth’s enamel and make it less prone to decay by hardening the outer layers of the teeth and making the cavity-causing bacteria less able to penetrate the enamel. Additionally, fluoride can even reverse early signs of tooth decay when applied topically to the surface of the tooth.  Fluoride treatments can be especially helpful for patients who struggle with oral hygiene because their effects last for several months. Dentists can also prescribe at-home fluoride treatments to patients or recommend professionally-formulated toothpaste and mouth rinses that also deliver the benefits of fluoride without the need to visit the dentist’s office. HOW DOES FLUORIDE WORK? Fluoride helps to rebuild and strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. It actively works to repair the teeth. Fluoride treatments can benefit patients of all ages, from young children to adults.  Some dentists offer special “restorative” fluoride treatments to patients who have developed more widespread cavities due to neglect or bad habits in the past. These treatments are especially helpful for patients who struggle with frequent dry mouth, a condition that causes a lack of saliva in the mouth.  Saliva acts as a defensive barrier between the teeth and harmful acids in the food or drinks that we consume every day. Without enough saliva, our teeth are much more vulnerable on a daily basis. Our dentist may recommend additional fluoride treatments to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent further damage to the teeth. WHO SHOULD GET FLUORIDE TREATMENTS? You could benefit from professional fluoride treatment if you experience any of these symptoms: * Dry, brittle teeth that crack or break easily * Discolored enamel with brown spots or streaks * Gums that are swollen, red, and bleed easily * Sensitive teeth that hurt when exposed to hot or cold temperatures The treatment can be administered quickly and comfortably and only takes one visit to complete. To find out more about the dental services we offer at Christopherson Family Dentistry, call (715) 344-9684 or schedule a consultation online. You can also visit Dentist in Stevens Point, WI [] at 2901 Church St, Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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Root Canals

A root canal is a procedure performed to remove an infection from a tooth and save it from extraction. When left untreated, a tooth infection can cause serious health concerns. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth can become infected and die, causing an abscess to form. An abscessed tooth is very painful and must be treated immediately. During a root canal, the inside of the tooth is cleaned and then filled with a special material called gutta-percha. This seals the tooth and prevents further decay or infection. After the procedure, patients need to take special care of their restored smile. Many teeth require a crown after a root canal to ensure they do not break under the pressure of biting or chewing. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF A ROOT CANAL INFECTION? * Pain and discomfort while biting or chewing food * Bleeding and release of pus from the region near the infected tooth * Loosening of the tooth from its socket * Darkening of the tooth as compared to the adjoining teeth * Tooth loss WHAT HAPPENS DURING A ROOT CANAL PROCEDURE? First, our dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic to prepare you for the procedure. Then, the dentist will make a small opening in the tooth to access the pulp and nerves. Using small files or rotary instruments, they will remove the damaged tissue and clean the inside of your tooth before filling it. Finally, a crown will be placed over the tooth to restore its function and protect it from further damage. After your treatment, you may experience some discomfort for a few days. This can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications. Be sure to eat only soft foods and avoid brushing your teeth near the treated area. If you experience severe pain or if your condition worsens after a few days, contact our dentist for an evaluation. WHEN SHOULD A ROOT CANAL BE AVOIDED? While root canals are a common treatment, they should be avoided in some cases. For example, if a tooth is fractured or has sustained trauma, it’s best to avoid a root canal and opt for another type of restoration instead. A root canal should only be performed on an otherwise healthy tooth. Fluorosis is another condition in which it may be best not to have a root canal performed. This condition is characterized by the enamel of the teeth being discolored or stained. This typically occurs due to too much fluoride intake during early childhood. To find out more about the dental services we offer at Christopherson Family Dentistry, call (715) 344-9684 or schedule a consultation online. You can also visit Dentist in Stevens Point, WI [] at 2901 Church St, Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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Christopherson Family Dentistry


Experience the Christopherson Family Difference

Our dentist and team are committed to providing you with the treatments you need to enjoy good oral health and a beautiful smile. We offer conservative, comprehensive care, and will never recommend a treatment you do not need. Call us today to make your appointment with Dr. Tyler Christopherson and experience the Christopherson Family Dentistry difference for yourself!


2957 Church St.,
Stevens Point, WI 54481

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed